AWF Katowice organizes EAS 2024 conference

26.02.2024 News

On February 22-23, 2024, our university hosted two EAS (European Athlete Student) Board representatives, Mr Ole Keldorf (EAS Executive Board Member) and Mr Risto Keskitalo (Founder and Honorary President). They visited AWF Katowice in connection with the work of organizing the Annual EAS conference, that our Academy is hosting this year: „Dual career at school and university - innovative bridges between sports and education”, which will be held on October 1-3 of 2024.

During the meeting, our guests had the opportunity to see the venues where the conference will be held, meet people directly involved in its organization, and most importantly, the preliminary program of the conference and the agreement between AWF Katowice and EAS were approved.

 EAS organizes annual conferences for association members and interested parties from all over Europe, which address the promotion of innovative solutions for dual careers and the creation of international partnerships applying for funds from European programs - mainly Erasmus+ Sport.

➡ In 2024, the 21st annual EAS conference will be held in Katowice - Poland, for the first time, and its organizer will be the AWF in Katowice. The application to organize the conference is directly related to the awarding of Katowice the title of European City of Science 2024.

➡ Why AWF? - The Academy of Physical Education in Katowice is a university that places emphasis on enabling student-athletes to combine professional sports with studying, within the framework of postulates called dual career in Europe.

In 2018, our University became the only Polish member of "The European Athlete as Student. The Dual Career Network (EAS)", and since then Katowice has actively participated in all annual international conferences of this organization. The main goal of EAS is to exchange experiences in supporting active athletes in combining competitive sports with education, work and family life.

➡ For more informations visit the conference website:


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